We are decah

Decah is a B company that encourages collaborative behaviors to catalyze a culture of innovation.

Marcos Salles

Social and green energy entrepreneur, lawyer, master in public administration at FGV, partner at Greenant, Base.Lab and co-founder of Goma.

Vinicius de Paula Machado

Social entrepreneur, facilitator, creator of Empreenda a Si Mesmo and co-founder of Goma.



GOMA is our original raw material. It's the DNA that we proudly take everywhere we are. From the beginning, our plan has always been to spread a more collaborative entrepreneurial culture and to democratize access to methodologies, tools, experiences and new approaches.We are committed to deep co-creation to bring out what is most powerful and authentic that each of us has to offer in this great collaborative journey we are living. This allows us to have the reputation of a strong network company that is agile, resilient and, above all, seeks to generate value for its customers and partners and promote innovation in the most diverse organizational contexts.


A GOMA é a nossa matéria-prima original. É o DNA queorgulhosamente levamos a todo lugar que estamos. Desde o início, nossosplanos sempre foram disseminar uma cultura empreendedora mais colaboratva edemocratzar acesso a metodologias, ferramentas, experiências e abordagens.

Apostamos na cocriação profunda para fazer emergir aquilo demais potente e autêntco que cada um de nós ofertou nesse experimentocolaboratvo de longo prazo. Isso nos permite ter a reputação de uma empresa em rede,ágil, resiliente e que busca criar ações com entrega de valor emdiferentes realidades e contextos organizacionais.



Collaborative economics is cool, but it's not the only way: how Carioteca became Decah to evolve


Coworking: The Challenges of Collective Businesses | Conexão


GOMA celebrates one year of life as a reference in network entrepreneurship

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